How to Fix WordPress Website Not Updating Right Away?

Despite being one of the most effective and useful websites, WordPress is updated frequently. New updates have new features that make the site even more effective. However, several users have queries that they are not able to Update WordPress. This error can be solved easily without any coding knowledge. Below the Beginners is taught the…

How to increase eCommerce Conversion Rate in WordPress? (11 Best Tips)

Do you run an eCommerce store? And are you trying to increase the eCommerce conversion rate of your store? If yes, then you’ve found the perfect guide. Everyone wishes to get a large percentage of visitors to become customers. But it’s not as easy as it sounds. By saying this, you don’t need to be…

How to Translate a WordPress Plugin in Your Language?

Despite, being an international language most people aren’t able to share the exact ideas in English. In the same case, if they are given with the opportunity to write blogs, tutorials, articles, or posts in a native language. They can perform work more efficiently and effectively. Knowing the problem of common users, WordPress offers multiple…